Friday, December 20, 2019

Macbeth Is To Blame For His Tragedy in Shakespeares...

Macbeth Is To Blame For His Tragedy in Shakespeares Macbeth Macbeth, the play was one of Shakespeares bloody and goriest tragedies. It was based on a true story of the Celtic throne. It is a play about murder, power, ambition, greed and deception. The play is set in bleak Scotland, where King Duncan rules over all. At the start of the play Scotland is at battle with Norway. Macbeth is Thane of Glamis and has emerged from battle as a brave and courageous solider. He is admired by all as a good man. He along with Banquo, meets the Witches on a thunderous moor where he is told of a prophecy in which he will soon become Thane of Cawdor and then King of Scotland. He writes to his wife and together they plot to murder Duncan.†¦show more content†¦Is Macbeth thinking as much evil as the Witches, their words are in his mouth. Is Macbeth really in control of his own destiny? The three witches make three initial predictions. The first witch says, All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis, the second witch then goes onto say, All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor, the third witch then says all hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter. They also tell Banquo that his sons shall become King. The prophecies have a lot of influence over Macbeth. The witches are clever in coming to Macbeth at the right time and in what they said. They chose exactly the right moment to approach Macbeth. He is full of triumph and fresh from the fighting ad killing. He is at a particularly vulnerable time to have his head filled with thoughts of becoming king and fame. He says to Banquo #8230; Why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid imag e doth unfix to my hair, and make my seated heart knock on my ribs, Against the use of Nature. The text states clearly that Macbeth has murderous thought in his mind that are prompted by the prophecy, Present fears, are less than horrible imaginings: My thought, whose murder is fantastical shakes so single state of man. It is an important point, it shows his reaction that someone has read his mind. The Witches are actually speaking Macbeths innermost thoughts. Does thisShow MoreRelatedMacbeth Desire For Power Analysis888 Words   |  4 Pagespower, gain power for themselves, or both. Macbeth, from Shakespeare’s play â€Å"The Tragedy of Macbeth† portrays this perfectly. Macbeths drive for power is the sole focus of the play and is an important trait that defines him as a character. â€Å"The Tragedy of Macbeth† is driven by an adoration for power. 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This play is set in medieval Scotland and is partly based on a true historical account that shows the bloody rise to power, and the tragic downfall of the warrior Macbeth. It is also timeless because it depicts how mans conscious decision

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