Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Impact Of Social Media On Perception Of Customer In UK Retail Indu

Questions: 1. Identify a business research topic.2. Define the research questions for the identified problem or opportunity.3. Select the appropriate research methodologies and techniques to use for the research project.4. Describe the research process. 5. Describe data collection and analysis methods.6. Describe expected research outcomes. Answers: 1.Introduction and Background The retail industry of UK has faced major adverse effects due to the impact of the global recession. However with the advancement of technology in the promotional campaign the industry has been able to boost its performance. The social media has been used as a reliable medium of marketing for the retail industry of UK that helps to change the perception of the customer and also raise the awareness[1]. Tesco is the largest retail company of UK and third largest in the world. The company uses the strategy of social media marketing to raise the level of brand awareness among the people of UK and also maintain a healthy relationship with the existing customers. The social media marketing could provide huge opportunity for promoting the business of the retail industry[2]. 2.Research questions The purpose of the research questions is to fulfill the objective of the research that will help the researchers to address the issues of the research work. The research question also contributes to select the perfect methodology and techniques that are needed to be used for the research work and provide guidance to all the steps of research methodology. Having healthy relationship between the aim and research questions is important. In this case, the research questions need to identify the opportunities that exist for social media marketing in the retail industry of UK. Following are the research questions: What is the importance of the social media marketing in modern context of the retail industry? What are the strategies that are taken by Tesco to make maximum use of the social media marketing? What will be the impact of social media marketing on the customers of Tesco? What are the ways that can be used by Tesco to improve the strategy of social media marketing? 3.Research Methodology The methodology section of the research needs to have good alignment with that of the research questions. The entire outline of the research is mentioned in the research methodology section. All the process and techniques that need to be used for the research work need to be mentioned in the methodology section. The entire structure of the research work is described in the methodology section[3]. 4.Research process The research process is the most important part of the methodology that helps to address the reason for the selection of the research topic. The research approach and philosophy are all mentioned under the research process along with the data collection techniques and analysis. Research Approach There are two different types of research approach that can be used by the researchers to fulfill the objective. In case of the inductive approach, it is possible to describe the events related to the elements of the research. The description of the inductive research approach can be used to develop hypothesis related to the research topic and also test the present hypothesis related to the research topic and thereby develop a theoretical framework[4]. On the other hand, in case of the deductive approach can be used by utilizing the existing theoretical framework to fulfill the objective of the research. There is a formula that can be developed to establish relationship between the aim of the research and existing theories and hypothesis. The existing hypothesis can be tested using this approach, and a link can be established between all the variable elements of the research topic[5]. In this case, to study the impact of social media marketing on the UK retail industry, the researcher will use the deductive form of research approach. The wide range problems and issues that are related to the research can be added using the deductive form of research approach. In case of inductive form of research approach, there is a chance of biasness in the reflection and errors for interpretation of the data. The time constraints are one of the major issues in case of the deductive approach. The deductive approach will also help to identify the variables that are related to the use of the social media marketing. Moreover, there are huge amount of data that needs to be collected by the researcher, and the use of the deductive approach will help to reduce the errors in the data interpretation process. Research Design Three types of research design can be used by the researchers to facilitate the overall process of research. The exploratory form of research design helps to use all the proofs that exist in the theory of the research topic. This form of the investigation design will help to identify the relationship between the facts and situation of the events. The relationship between the cause and the effects of the research topic can also be developed[6]. There is also the descriptive form of research design that will help the researchers to describe in details about all the forms of events related to the research topic. In this case, the research will select the descriptive form of research design that will help to facilitate the information that exists about the impact of social media marketing in UK retail industry. The phenomena and the variables related to the research topic can also be linked with the help of this form of design[7]. The researcher can also use the mixed form of research design that uses both the deductive and inductive form of approach. This will help to allow the cross-validation of the data and have a clear concept of the use of the collected information. The mixed form of research will also help to deal with the general problems that are related to using the social media as the medium of marketing. The objective of the research can also be identified with the help of the mixed research design. 5.Data Collection Method The data collection method is the most important part of the research work. The accuracy and the chance of fulfilling the objective of the research are totally dependent on ways that are used by the investigators to collect the data[8]. The techniques that are used by the researchers to collect data are dependent on the research design and approach. There are two forms of techniques that can be used by the researcher to collect data. In case of the primary data, it is gathered from the surveys and interviews. The researchers will have to frame definite questionnaires in order to collect the data that is required for the research work. On the hand, the secondary form of data can be collected from the books and journal articles relevant to the research topic. The information that was collected by the previously done research can also be used as the form of the secondary research[9]. In this case, the quantitative form of primary data will be collected by conducting the survey of 100 customers of Tesco. The sample is selected using the non-probability technique, where 100 people were chosen from the group of customers, who shops regularly at the stores of Tesco. The surveyors will use the Likert scale to collect the response from the selected sample size. The researcher will also use the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the data collection methods. The customers of Tesco, who are regularly active on the social media platforms, will be included in the sample size and the people, who do not use the social media, are excluded. The qualitative form of data collection is done with the help of the interviews of 6 senior level managers of Tesco. The qualitative data that is collected will help the researchers to get the idea about the plan of the company about the use of social media marketing. Data Analysis The information that will be collected from the interviews of the managers will be interpreted using the qualitative data analysis. On the other hand, quantitative data analysis method will be used to interpret the data that will be collected from the surveys[10]. This will help the surveyors to identify the percentage of people, who got influenced by the social media marketing methods of Tesco. 6.Expected Outcomes The outcomes and the conclusion of the research work are made from the quantitative data analysis method. As the social media is one of the most important parts of the modern human life, the application of the social media marketing in Tesco is expected to give positive results by increasing the sales of the company. It is also expected that the awareness about the retail products will also be increased with the help of social media marketing. The satisfaction level of the customers can be at the high level as they are easily able to communicate with the representatives of the company and thereby able to raise the issues they are facing. The customers can also get detail information about all the desired products of Tesco. However, there can be negative effects that are expected from the application of the social media marketing. With the help of the social media platforms, many people can provide negative feedbacks that have the chance to reduce the reputation of the company[11]. Bibliography Erdo?mu?, ?rem Eren, and Mesut Cicek. 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