Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Walt Disney Corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Walt Disney Corporation - Research Paper Example The fantasy of iestablishingthe goliath enterprise can be followed back in time when Alice in Wonderland short arrangement started (Denny and Williams, 2004). A topic all around created in huge numbers of Walt’s kid's shows is undying good faith, which can be identified with the Vision of Dream on which the organization is shaped. From the time the organization was consolidated to its present execution, for example in the figures outlined above, it is very so as to express that the organization has followed its fantasy. Having confidence in the company’s position and ability to accomplish its objectives could have been the mystery behind its prosperity. Accomplishing what may seem outlandish must be cultivated in accepting. Another character controlled by Walt Disney is that of enduring confidence in accomplishing anything wanted of. Walt had a fantasy about turning into a visual artist and the conviction he had impelled him over that to be organizer of vivified kid's shows observed everywhere throughout the world. The company’s story can be supposed to be an effective conviction, presently that it even covers more than energized kid's shows. Concerning a challenging soul, Walt was a decent sales rep from the earliest starting point, with some fine aptitudes that were uncommon to discover in those occasions. Right off the bat in his craftsmanship, he forcefully and determinately sold his kid's shows and comedies until he got into organizations that empowered him to settle down for business. He was equipped for utilizing his charisma aptitudes to effectively persuade his movement group at Kansas City to move to California. The company’s markets its items forcefully and with a decent accuracy to exploit the market superior to its rivals, to such an extent that it has become an overall family brand Capodagli and Jackson, 2000). As indicated by Hair et al (2008), when a market advances to turn out to be settled, it turns into a rewarding endeavor that numerous financial specialists would need to attempt. The line of business that Walt Disney manages has

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Speaking Skill in Primary Level free essay sample

The Role of Group Work In Enhancing Speaking Skill In Primary Level The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Speaking Skill in Primary Level Effective language abilities are basic for youngsters to get to the educational program. In the study hall, communicated in language is the essential medium through which educators instruct and kids learn. In building up their talking abilities, kids need to figure out how to adjust their discussion to the audience members; utilize a scope of approaches to communicate; use converse with explain their thoughts and support their discussion to create thinking and thinking. It is normal that when youngsters start grade school, they will have the option to see quite a bit of what is stated, communicate plainly, share their emotions and make their requirements known. This degree of capability in discourse, language and correspondence is basic to the advancement of a child’s psychological, social and passionate prosperity. Talking ought to incorporate articulating musings and partaking in gatherings; accepting open doors to talk at some length to clarify thoughts in various circumstances; giving a discussion or introduction utilizing motions, helps and logical gadgets. We will compose a custom paper test on The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Speaking Skill in Primary Level or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This paper will investigate the various sorts of gathering work and its instrument of improving the talking ability in the essential level. This will be done through looking into changed research made in this field. The reason for this paper is to take a gander at the significance of gathering work in the beginning times to improve the talking ability of understudies. Gathering Group work is a significant piece of our way of life and life; and organizations presently see collaboration aptitudes while assessing any representative. In this manner, it is significant for both, understudies and instructors, to figure out how to work in a gathering workplace. Research demonstrates that understudies become familiar with the errands better through including oral cooperation, in gathering, which depends on a genuine endeavor to locate an aggregate answer for issues. We decided to investigate this territory to see whether gathering work fills in as a significant movement for understudies to concentrate on important arrangement and data trade. We are a lot of worried about getting understudies to talk and to animate their advantage and creative mind. Since bunch work can improve learning and is a truly necessary ability in upgrading talking aptitude, it ought to be practiced normally in the study hall. Commented on Bibliography: The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Speaking Skill in Primary Level Baines, E. , Kutnick, P. , Blatchford, P. (2009). Advancing compelling gathering work in the essential study hall: a handbook for instructors and specialists. USA and Canada: Routledge. This handbook investigates how understudy bunch work can be made increasingly compelling on the side of children’s learning. It depends on an examination study, known as the Social Pedagogic Research into Group work (SPRinG), which created and assessed another way to deal with bunch work in grade schools. Boussiada, S. (2010). Upgrading students’ oral capability through agreeable gathering work: the instance of third year LMD understudies of English at Constantine University. Master’s Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria. In her examination, Boussiada investigates the impacts of helpful gathering chip away at improving learners’ oral capability and informative abilities. She is principally worried about utilizing pair or little gathering to boost students? oral creation. She likewise endeavors to reveal some insight into the significance of setting up a loose and well disposed condition as an endeavor to get students to utilize the language. Lee, W. (2008). Discourse, language and correspondence needs and grade school-matured youngsters. I Can Talk Series, Issue 6, 13-18. Recovered March 21, 2012, from http://www. ican. organization. uk/~/media/Ican2/Whats%20the%20Issue/Evidence/6%20Speech%20%20Language%20and%20Communication%20Needs%20and%20Primary%20School%20aged%20Children. ashx This report traces the nature and degree of Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) in grade schools, what this implies for youngsters and their families and what should be possible to guarantee elementary school is a positive, enhancing experience for kids with SLCN. Richards, J. (2008). Showing tuning in and talking: from hypothesis to rehearse. NY: Cambridge University Press. Richards investigates ways to deal with the instructing of tuning in and talking which have experienced impressive changes as of late, and their suggestions for study hall educating and materials structure. He will probably analyze what applied phonetics research and hypothesis says about the idea of tuning in and talking aptitudes, and afterward to investigate what the suggestions are for study hall showing Jones, L. (2007). The understudy focused homeroom. NY: Cambridge University Press.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Project Finance in the FertiNitro Company Coursework

Task Finance in the FertiNitro Company - Coursework Example Polar is an inactive backer of FertiNitro and isn't straightforwardly associated with the matter of development and activity of the treatment plant. Polar is principally a nourishment and drink organization with present joint endeavors in organizations like Koch and Pequiven which are the significant partners of FertiNitro. The all out income created by the Polar gathering is the US $1.9 billion. Over 2% of the organization goes to Venezuela’s non-oil GDP (Duff and Phelps, 1998, p.5). Effect of the Sponsors’ commitment on the venture as far as practicality as an independent undertaking financing The methodology embraced by Polar in the venture of fare ventures has created beneficial comes back to Venezuela. The primary task to put resources into Polar is FertiNitro. The roundabout contribution of Polar in the venture of FertiNitro has brought about being the significant mitigant to it. PDVSA gas is the auxiliary organization of Polar Group which adds to the significant bit of the gas prerequisite of the nation made accessible by FertiNitro. The outside trade over the previous decades has been good for PDVSA which gives FertiNitro another motivation to make the Polar gathering a piece of its backers. The aberrant cooperation of PDVSA in FertiNitro the remote exchanges and the hazard convertibility gets limited. PDVSA additionally has the main market in urea in South America alongside Pequiven which is the petrochemical wing of PDVSA. PDVSA is likewise answerable for balancing the danger of the unstable market by bringing down the expense of the feedstock gas flexibly. PDVSA i s the world second biggest Oil and Gas Company contributes the most to the FertiNitro as the organization both straightforwardly and by implication puts resources into the organization. Indeed, even the inside assets of Pequiven are supported by PDVSA. Subsequently the feasibility of FertiNitro dependent on the independent venture financing of the Polar Group will achieve amazing outcomes as the organization in takes part in both immediate and roundabout monetary speculation for the organization. Both the cost invades and the time overwhelms of the organization will be under check notwithstanding the way that as Polar the organization adds to the 10% of sponsorship to FertiNitro and is an aloof support. Following parts of the undertaking with important issues Off-taker, The Polar Group has consented to an offtake arrangement with both Pequiven and Koch Off takers which are both joint endeavors. The Koch Off taker bears the commitment of 75% of the alkali and 43% of a zone of the org anization that is ready to move during the year. Likewise, the remainder of the commitment of the Polar Group’s off-take understanding lies with Pequiven. Certain particular of the organization identified with the off-taker understanding must be submitted to the referenced organizations like selecting a free reviewer in regards to the endorsement of the off-takers who will be accountable for deciding the nature of the item to be conveyed. In light of the autonomous inspector’s evaluation the dismissal of the non-adjusting items is made or benefited at a limited rate. At the underlying degree of understanding, Koch will reserve the options to sell the items and conveying the equivalent in North America while Pequiven will follow a comparable demonstration in South America, Caribbean, and Central America.â â

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Research and Describe the Early Life of Pablo Picasso - 1650 Words

Research and Describe the Early Life of Pablo Picasso (Essay Sample) Content: PABLO PICASSOName:Institutional affiliation:Date:Pablo PicassoEarly LifePablo Picasso was born in 1881 in the Spanish town of Malaga located in the Spanish region of Andalucia. I was born the first child of Don Jos Ruiz y Blasco and Mara Picasso y Lpez. According to Spanish naming custom and law, my father issued me with various names honoring relatives and saints. These ranged from Diego, Jose, and Jose, to complex ones like Juan Nepomuceno. My father Ruiz was a painter and professor of arts at the School of Arts. In addition, he also served as the curator of the local museum making him intensely passionate about fine arts. My fathers ancestors were minor aristocrats and the hard work my parents put into raising our family meant we were a middle-class family during those turbulent times. The deep artistic roots my father exhibited would influence me early in my life as early developments in my life proved.I do not know if it was the environment in which I was born, o r a genetic factor, but I showed a passion and skill for drawing at an early age. By the age of thirteen, I was painting in oil (Green, n.d). My mother says I asked for a pencil first when I started speaking as a young boy (Lowery Potter, 1999). My father tutored me on the formal skills related to oil painting and figure drawing. His teaching philosophy included a firm belief in the need for a student to emulate the masters work while acquiring the necessary skills to be an independent professional. Unfortunately, these rigorous sessions affected the young boys academic work as he spent a lot of time drawing because of his schoolwork. However, a failing educational development was the least of his concern as the hardship of Spains economic and social circumstances soon came knocking.My family had to move to A Coruna on 1891 after my father obtained a teaching and instruction position at the School of Fine Arts. He had noted that I was surpassing his skill level and even gave up pai nting on account of the apocryphal mannerisms of the old instructors who ceased the practice on account of being surpassed by their students. However, the move came at an enormous cost in the way of Conchitas demise due to diphtheria in 1895. These events prompted another move by the family, this time to Barcelona. My father acquired another instructors position at the citys School of Fine Arts as I started my journey in the art world. For me, Barcelona was the best home since I found comfort while mourning the death of Conchita. Interestingly, my father convinced the school to allow me to take an admission exam. I was only thirteen years old when I gained entry after successfully completing an exam that took regular students a month to complete in a week.The abilities I exhibited convinced my father and my uncle to send me to the countrys best art school in Madrid. The Royal Academy of San Fernando offered art classes in a manner that did not appeal to me. The classes were too form al, something that contradicted with my young age and philosophy in artwork. Therefore, I absconded classes and decided to derive tutelage, as well as motivation from other sources. The housed paintings of Prado were of particular interest to me as a young artists trying to establish myself and improve my skill set. My favorite works of art were by Francisco Goya and Francisco Zurbaran. El Grecos depictions through a dazzling use of color and elongated limbs also appealed to me as I continued to transverse city in search of motivation and inspiration.The year 1897 marked an important milestone in my art career because I developed modernist sentiments. Exposure to the inspirational works of legendary artists such as Edvard Munch, Steinlen, Rossetti, as well as El Grecos instruction left me with a desire to pursue a personal journey of modernism. The desire was as depicted by the decision to travel to Paris three years later. Considered by many artists the capital of art in Europe dur ing the turn of the century, the city would influence Pablo in a very significant manner. The first years of life in Paris were very hard. He lived with his first Parisian friend, the poet Max Jacob. I would usually have to burn some of my lesser works just to keep the little room warm and protect the both of us from the treacherous Parisian winter. Max Jacob was a different friend from my Madrid anarchist friend Francisco de Ass Soler with whom we had started a magazine titled Arte Joven (Young Art). The magazine touched on the state of the poor social and economic situation using grim cartoons.The period between 1901 and 1904 was a tumultuous period for Pablo Picasso. My work depicted the somber mood using shades of blue and blue-green. The majority of this work entailed emaciated mothers, beggars, and prostitutes. The period became Pablos blue period because he experienced a doleful mood and reflected the same in his work. The gloom rose a notch when my friend Carlos Casagemas co mmitted suicide. My mood worsened, a state I expertly captured in The Frugal Past, an etching depicting a blind man and a sighted woman, both gaunt and needy. The painting seemed to mirror my feeling since the death of my friend.The following year after the death of my friend improved in terms of the quality of life. So good were these times that I found love. Fernande Olivier was a bohemian artist who influenced the subsequent work of Pablo Picasso from the gloomy blue depictions of blind men, prostitutes, and gaunt mothers to circus characters in dazzling pink and orange colors. During this period, the Harlequin became the primary symbol of Pablos work (Caws, 2005). In 1905, Pablo met Gertrude Stein, Henri Matisse and other famed art collectors who were interested in spreading the fame he was generating in the city by exhibiting his works in various museums and art galleries. Later, in 1907 he joined the art gallery of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler. This figure would become one of my ch ampions together with Georges Braque, with whom they had developed cubism. The Rise To Fame And His Eventual Settling DownCubism was a period characterized by the use of collage-like elements in the artwork of the day. Between 1909 and 1909, Georges Braque developed this form of artistic expression, and it struck a chord with me almost immediately. In addition to some African influences that led to the production of one of the artists most famous paintings, the Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Pablo was quickly gaining recognition in the European art world. Unfortunately, World War 1 came knocking before he could hit the peak of his career. In addition, he had parted ways with his first mistress Olivier for Marcelle Humbert. Although he called her Eva Gouel, he treated her well. However, his lover departed in 1915 at a relatively young age of 30. During the war, Pablo continued painting and later met another woman with whom he started a relationship. Gaby Lespinasse would be Pablos mistre ss during the First World War until he met a ballerina named Olga Khokholva. He married her just before the war ended in 1918.Igor Khokholva was a famous ballerina accustomed to life in the limelight and the social circles. While the new life appealed to Pablo Picasso for the first few years, his bohemian roots kicked in and caused frequent fights with his wife over their different socializing mannerisms. He was the highly socialized life Olga was offering. During this period, he met another mistress named Marie-Therese Walter, who was a 17-year-old girl. The subsequent romantic relationship never materialized into a marriage once more demonstrating Pablos womanizing tendencies (Walker, 2010). Throughout his life, Pablo had fathered four children with three women having married twice.During and after The Second World War, Pablo Picasso diversified his sense of art and included other forms of art in his career. He wrote more than 300 poems including The Four Little Girls and Desire C aught by the Tail. Interestingly, he also started engaging in ceramics in the 1950s and 1960s (Apollinaire, Eimert, Podoksik, 2010). In addition, he also continued to cast in bronze even after the Germans outlawed it to preserve the precious metals for use in military purposes. Over the course of more than three decades, Pablo sculpted more than 250 artworks as part of his diversification projects. One of his famous bronze pieces from 1967 is on display in the US city of Chicago. This bronze sculpture, named the Chicago Picasso, stands over 50 feet tall and epitomizes his outstanding career in fine art.An Example of Pablo Picassos Famous ArtworksOne of Pablo Picassos famous artworks was the 1907 oil painting ...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

On Earthquakes Essay - 1670 Words

On Earthquakes An earthquake is a shaking or trembling of the crust of the earth caused by underground volcanic action or by the breaking and shifting of rock beneath the surface. The volcanic action and shifting rocks create strain which continues to build to a sudden release of pressure resulting in a shock wave. The vibrations produced in the crust can vary from barely noticeable to enormously destructive. Shock waves can be classified into two broad categories. Waves that send particles oscillating back and forth in the same direction as the waves are traveling are called primary. Primary waves, sometimes called compressional waves, travel through the earth beneath the crust. Secondary†¦show more content†¦The modern seismograph was invented early this century by a Russian seismologist, Prince Boris Golitzyn. This device made possible the modern era of earthquake research. Although earthquakes have occurred and affected mankind for as long as humans have been around, historical records are either lacking or considered unreliable before the middle of the 18th century. However, some records do exist and date major earthquake events back to 425 BC when one occurred off the coast of Greece resulting in an island named Euboea. Another occurred in Asia Minor about AD 17 and another leveled much of the Roman city of Pompeii in AD 63. During the Middle Ages, severe earthquakes struck England, in 1318; Naples, Italy, in 1456; and Lisbon, Portugal, in 1531. Casualties from major earthquakes have resulted in the greatest disasters in history. The worst occurred in 1556 in the Shannxi (Shensi) Province in China and killed an estimated 800,000 people. During the 18th century, the Japanese city of Edo (site of modern day Tokyo) was struck and killed 200,000. Earthquakes in Sicily in 1693 and Lisbon in 1755 each killed about 60,000 people. In 1797, approximately 40,000 died when Quito, Ecuador was struck. Historically, the most powerful earthquakes to strike North America occurred in 1811 and 1812 in southeastern Missouri. However, the most famous earthquake to strike in North AmericaShow MoreRelatedEarthquake : Earthquakes And Earthquakes Essay1854 Words   |  8 PagesEarthquake is defined as â€Å" a series of vibrations induced in the earth s crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating.† in In other word earthquake is crust release energy caused by shaking and plate tectonics are suddenly move.It may cause people injuryed and economic losses. Earth s surface crust is called lithosphere. The earth s crust ruptured by the force of dislocation caused by rapid surface vibrations called seismicRead MoreEarthquake Of The Sichuan Earthquake1203 Words   |  5 PagesThe Sichuan Earthquake also known as Wenchuan Earthquake occurred on May 12th, 2008. 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The earthquake in Nepal was the mostRead MoreThe Earthquake Of Christchurch Earthquake2405 Words   |  10 Pages impact, recovery, responses and future steps of the 2011 M6.3 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. Helena (Jiahui) Zhang 250641678 November 18 2014 Geography 2152F Mark Moscicki Table of Contents 1.0 Description of Event 2 2.0 Causes 3 3.0 Impacts 5 4.0 Responses 7 5.0 Recovery 8 6.0 Suggestions for future steps 10 7.0 Bibliography 11 1.0 Description of the Event The Christchurch earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 (Ritcher scale) hit New Zealand’s secondRead MoreEarthquakes Disasters Caused By Earthquakes1564 Words   |  7 PagesEarthquakes are an unfortunate consequence of, well, living on earth. While other hazards such as volcanos, tornados, floods, and wild fires all have clear visual indications that allow for us humans to get away from them, earthquakes are much more insidious than the aforementioned disasters because they have no such indicator and the damage they inflict is near instantaneous. Luckily for us humans, seismologists have spent a good portion of the 20th century finding out why earthquakes occur, howRead MoreThe Great Chilean Earthquake : An Earthquake1508 Words   |  7 PagesThe Great Chilean Earthquake An earthquake is the shaking of the earth by seismic waves radiating away from the disturbance, most commonly fault movement. The great Chilean earthquakes origin was of the coast of Chile at a subduction zone, referred to as a hot spot for seismic activity. A subduction zone is a region on the crust of the earth where two tectonics plate meet one another. The area where the two plates meet is called a plate boundary. When two plates meet at a subduction zone, they convergeRead MoreWind, Earthquake And Its Effect On The Earthquake Essay905 Words   |  4 Pages Unlike wind, earthquake is a different phenomenon which generates a ground motion. The intensity or acceleration of the earthquake depends upon the magnitude and location of its epicenter. The seismic waves caused by the earthquake cause inertial forces in the building. The inertial forces are created when an outside force tries to move a body in rest which happens in this case as seismic waves tries the move the building in rest. We all know that when a building is subjected to inertial forces

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rehabilitation Paper - 1187 Words

Parole and probation are what gives inmates in today’s prison system the drive to want to better them. This paper will break down rehabilitation in prison and the origin of where it came from. Also we will discuss how parole differs from mandatory release and how probation differs from other forms of sentencing. We will also discuss community corrections and what it means and furthermore, we will critique the current rehabilitation options and if there are better options or solutions that may be used in today’s prison system. Rehabilitation means to restore to useful life, as through therapy and education or to restore to good condition, operation, or capacity. The thought and purpose behind prison has been, throughout history, to†¦show more content†¦Parole is the provisional release of a prisoner who agrees to certain conditions prior to the completion of the maximum sentence period. Even though parole is an early release, the parolee must continue to serve y our sentence by living a life with no problems with the law, and meet the requirements of the parole. If you fail to do so, you can go back to prison again. Mandatory release means your sentence is up and you have nothing left to serve. Some states in the US have what is known as mandatory supervision, whereby an inmate is released prior to the completion of their sentence due to legal technicalities which oblige the offender justice system to free them. In some states such as Texas, inmates are compensated with good time, which is counted towards time served. For example, if an inmate served five years of a ten year prison term, and also had five years of good time, they will have completed their sentence on paper, obliging the state to release them unless deemed a threat to society in writing by the parole board. Where parole is granted or denied at the discretion of a parole board, mandatory supervision does not involve a decision making process: one either qualifies for it or do es not. Mandatory supervision tends to involve stipulations that are more lenient than those of parole, and in some cases place no obligations at all on the individual being released. Probation is a sentence wherebyShow MoreRelatedRehabilitation Paper1578 Words   |  7 Pagesprocesses have been created to form the rehabilitation process of criminal justice. This process has reached out to many offenders and their families by allowing them to return to the community as changed individuals. Rehabilitation has many different process, but most, if not all have been proven successful in returning offenders to the community as changed individuals. Rehabilitation is defined as a return to a previous form. 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Cohen sees this task to be outside the capabilities of the justice system. The myriad of components that lead an individual to crime whether they are economic, psychological or otherwise, is too complex for the justice system to be able to grok fully. CohenRead MoreThe Repeat Offenders Project2956 Words   |  12 Pagessimilarities that may exist between the concepts presented in this project with those implemented in other nations, these are presented in a manner that gives them some uniqueness since the approach in their implementation is one of its own kind. This paper serves to compile all the concepts which have been presented so far under this project, citing the background, the problem, the purpose and significance of the problem, the plan of action in implementing the solution to recidivism, the benefits associatedRead MoreGroup Counseling1524 Words   |  7 Pagesthat Effect Vocational Rehabilitation Term Paper By Diadra McGraw 546 Group Counseling Dr. B. 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After discussing how the programs work this paper will then take a look at which programs seem to be working and lessening recidivism and which ones may not be as effective. In the past several years researchers have found intervention strategies and programRead MoreTrainspotting : A Representation Of Drugs Essay1951 Words   |  8 Pagesabuse and dependency influences the lives of a group of misfits in Edinburgh, Scotland. We are introduced to problems such as: the unfair drug court system, persistent drug sellers, death of loved ones, withdrawal symptoms and more. Throughout this paper, we will explore the different elements this film presented and how they relate to the reality of substance abuse. Heroin as A Choice One of the aspects that I found to be the most interesting was Mark Renton’s (played by Ewan McGregor) initial mentalityRead MoreSection 504 Of The Rehabilitation Act Of 19732521 Words   |  11 PagesWhat is Section 504? Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights statute which prohibits an otherwise qualified individual with a disability from being discriminated against, excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance. Section 504 is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR), and the Massachusetts Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA). Students who are eligible

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Impact Of Social Media On Perception Of Customer In UK Retail Indu

Questions: 1. Identify a business research topic.2. Define the research questions for the identified problem or opportunity.3. Select the appropriate research methodologies and techniques to use for the research project.4. Describe the research process. 5. Describe data collection and analysis methods.6. Describe expected research outcomes. Answers: 1.Introduction and Background The retail industry of UK has faced major adverse effects due to the impact of the global recession. However with the advancement of technology in the promotional campaign the industry has been able to boost its performance. The social media has been used as a reliable medium of marketing for the retail industry of UK that helps to change the perception of the customer and also raise the awareness[1]. Tesco is the largest retail company of UK and third largest in the world. The company uses the strategy of social media marketing to raise the level of brand awareness among the people of UK and also maintain a healthy relationship with the existing customers. The social media marketing could provide huge opportunity for promoting the business of the retail industry[2]. 2.Research questions The purpose of the research questions is to fulfill the objective of the research that will help the researchers to address the issues of the research work. The research question also contributes to select the perfect methodology and techniques that are needed to be used for the research work and provide guidance to all the steps of research methodology. Having healthy relationship between the aim and research questions is important. In this case, the research questions need to identify the opportunities that exist for social media marketing in the retail industry of UK. Following are the research questions: What is the importance of the social media marketing in modern context of the retail industry? What are the strategies that are taken by Tesco to make maximum use of the social media marketing? What will be the impact of social media marketing on the customers of Tesco? What are the ways that can be used by Tesco to improve the strategy of social media marketing? 3.Research Methodology The methodology section of the research needs to have good alignment with that of the research questions. The entire outline of the research is mentioned in the research methodology section. All the process and techniques that need to be used for the research work need to be mentioned in the methodology section. The entire structure of the research work is described in the methodology section[3]. 4.Research process The research process is the most important part of the methodology that helps to address the reason for the selection of the research topic. The research approach and philosophy are all mentioned under the research process along with the data collection techniques and analysis. Research Approach There are two different types of research approach that can be used by the researchers to fulfill the objective. In case of the inductive approach, it is possible to describe the events related to the elements of the research. The description of the inductive research approach can be used to develop hypothesis related to the research topic and also test the present hypothesis related to the research topic and thereby develop a theoretical framework[4]. On the other hand, in case of the deductive approach can be used by utilizing the existing theoretical framework to fulfill the objective of the research. There is a formula that can be developed to establish relationship between the aim of the research and existing theories and hypothesis. The existing hypothesis can be tested using this approach, and a link can be established between all the variable elements of the research topic[5]. In this case, to study the impact of social media marketing on the UK retail industry, the researcher will use the deductive form of research approach. The wide range problems and issues that are related to the research can be added using the deductive form of research approach. In case of inductive form of research approach, there is a chance of biasness in the reflection and errors for interpretation of the data. The time constraints are one of the major issues in case of the deductive approach. The deductive approach will also help to identify the variables that are related to the use of the social media marketing. Moreover, there are huge amount of data that needs to be collected by the researcher, and the use of the deductive approach will help to reduce the errors in the data interpretation process. Research Design Three types of research design can be used by the researchers to facilitate the overall process of research. The exploratory form of research design helps to use all the proofs that exist in the theory of the research topic. This form of the investigation design will help to identify the relationship between the facts and situation of the events. The relationship between the cause and the effects of the research topic can also be developed[6]. There is also the descriptive form of research design that will help the researchers to describe in details about all the forms of events related to the research topic. In this case, the research will select the descriptive form of research design that will help to facilitate the information that exists about the impact of social media marketing in UK retail industry. The phenomena and the variables related to the research topic can also be linked with the help of this form of design[7]. The researcher can also use the mixed form of research design that uses both the deductive and inductive form of approach. This will help to allow the cross-validation of the data and have a clear concept of the use of the collected information. The mixed form of research will also help to deal with the general problems that are related to using the social media as the medium of marketing. The objective of the research can also be identified with the help of the mixed research design. 5.Data Collection Method The data collection method is the most important part of the research work. The accuracy and the chance of fulfilling the objective of the research are totally dependent on ways that are used by the investigators to collect the data[8]. The techniques that are used by the researchers to collect data are dependent on the research design and approach. There are two forms of techniques that can be used by the researcher to collect data. In case of the primary data, it is gathered from the surveys and interviews. The researchers will have to frame definite questionnaires in order to collect the data that is required for the research work. On the hand, the secondary form of data can be collected from the books and journal articles relevant to the research topic. The information that was collected by the previously done research can also be used as the form of the secondary research[9]. In this case, the quantitative form of primary data will be collected by conducting the survey of 100 customers of Tesco. The sample is selected using the non-probability technique, where 100 people were chosen from the group of customers, who shops regularly at the stores of Tesco. The surveyors will use the Likert scale to collect the response from the selected sample size. The researcher will also use the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the data collection methods. The customers of Tesco, who are regularly active on the social media platforms, will be included in the sample size and the people, who do not use the social media, are excluded. The qualitative form of data collection is done with the help of the interviews of 6 senior level managers of Tesco. The qualitative data that is collected will help the researchers to get the idea about the plan of the company about the use of social media marketing. Data Analysis The information that will be collected from the interviews of the managers will be interpreted using the qualitative data analysis. On the other hand, quantitative data analysis method will be used to interpret the data that will be collected from the surveys[10]. This will help the surveyors to identify the percentage of people, who got influenced by the social media marketing methods of Tesco. 6.Expected Outcomes The outcomes and the conclusion of the research work are made from the quantitative data analysis method. As the social media is one of the most important parts of the modern human life, the application of the social media marketing in Tesco is expected to give positive results by increasing the sales of the company. It is also expected that the awareness about the retail products will also be increased with the help of social media marketing. The satisfaction level of the customers can be at the high level as they are easily able to communicate with the representatives of the company and thereby able to raise the issues they are facing. The customers can also get detail information about all the desired products of Tesco. However, there can be negative effects that are expected from the application of the social media marketing. With the help of the social media platforms, many people can provide negative feedbacks that have the chance to reduce the reputation of the company[11]. Bibliography Erdo?mu?, ?rem Eren, and Mesut Cicek. 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