Thursday, January 30, 2020

Morgan Motor Company Essay Example for Free

Morgan Motor Company Essay Morgan Motor Company (MMC) began as a family company and has remained that way over the years. Decisions were largely driven by steady demand for their luxury product. Traditionally, decision-making was premised on production quotas that kept supply slightly behind demand. While the company made a profit, it was not enough to sustain the company in the long term due increasing costs caused by inefficient methods of production. The key area for improvement was strategic planning based on detailed and accurate information. The implementation of the strategic plan would require a review of human resource management practices in order for MMC to develop into an organisation that valued continuous innovation. MMC could gain valuable information about its environment through SWOT analysis, which could be used to inform strategic planning decisions. The company survived difficult circumstances (e. g. World War II) and demonstrated its ability to diversify through the manufacture of munitions. Another key strength is the global demand for their differentiated product. Its domestic and international appeal creates an important opportunity to further expand its global customer base. However, the potential threat associated with this opportunity is uncertainty in a number of dimensions in MMC’s â€Å"general environment† (Samson Daft, 2009). Economic and political and legal factors in other countries could potentially impact on MMC’s sales, as was the case in the late 1960s where strict emission control regulations caused their US market to collapse. In this instance, domestic demand absorbed its impact and highlighted the importance of maintaining a diverse client base that could absorb the impact of any environmental changes. A sales and marketing department that is production led is ineffective in improving revenue and achieving the aim of increased profits. Additionally, this production led sales creates an artificial view of demand for its product. Thorough research of its client attributes coupled with careful planning and stronger collaboration between the sales and marketing and production departments enables the formulation of agreed sales targets. The key benefits of setting targets are: 1. integration with production planning, which reduces the likelihood of over-investment in inventory; 2. a proactive sales and marketing department that devises strategies to improve sales; and 3. measureable targets that can be used to evaluate efficiency and effectiveness. Despite having a keen and loyal workforce, the presence of change aversion confirmed that incremental change was initially more effective than radical change which may have created an unproductive atmosphere of dissent amongst its workforce. Moreover, steady demand for their product led to complacency, which justified Peter Morgan’s caution about change. This could be interpreted as lack of vision and is reflected in the lack of innovation and under-capitalisation of MMC’s machine shop. In a study done on Toyota (UK) Ltd. , it was noted that the traditional car manufacturing base in the UK was located in the West Midlands and these were â€Å"rich in precision engineering skills† (Winfield Kerrin, 1996, p. 50). MMC’s proximity to this manufacturing hub created opportunities for research and development by inspecting some of these manufacturers in an effort to improve their production practices and processes, specifically focussing on how technology could be used to improve efficiency. This acknowledgement of the power of technology finally came in the form of Charles’ introduction of a manufacturing resource planning computer system and use of CAD/CAM. Perhaps differences in generational attributes enabled Charles Morgan to more easily embrace technology. However, the positive outcome was product innovation such as design features to improve aerodynamics. Examination of how human resource management practices could transform MMC from an organisation where everyone defends their own corner into a team-based learning organisation was a natural progression once management accepted the need for change. In the first instance, focus should be on developing managers to help facilitate organisational change (Waldersee, 1997) and enable them to be effective role models within the company. Training solutions and interventions should target general areas such as effective teamwork and communication, motivating workers and encouraging innovation. Additionally, where there are identified skills gaps, it should also target content-specific areas e. g. contemporary sales and marketing practices would make up for the sales director’s lack of recent sales experience. Once again, Charles was led by example by enrolling in an MBA, thus demonstrating his commitment to ongoing education and development. Although collectivism has traditionally been associated with eastern cultures (Hartel, Fujimoto, Straybosch, Fitzpatrick, 2007), motor companies like Ford and Toyota moved away from Taylorism and demonstrated the value of teamwork in vehicle manufacturing (Winfield Kerrin, 1996). However, MMC’s reward system of individual production bonuses did not acknowledge the value of teamwork. Moreover, an unspecified dollar amount that was eroded by inefficiencies in the production process did not provide an incentive to improve production. Not only should these individual production bonuses be quantified, the company should also consider a reward system for foremen to acknowledge their efforts in encouraging individuals and teams to achieve higher production. The present day success of MMC is testament to management’s vision and commitment to continuous product and process innovation. Examination of their website confirms their ability to stay current through value adding which resulted in features in their cars such as lightness and environmental friendliness. This has enabled them to cater both for the on-road user and the racing arena, as is evident in the videos available on their website. Furthermore, offering factory tours not only gives potential customers insight into the manufacturing process, it also provides the company with the opportunity to share some of its knowledge with others. The insight gained by watching the video on MMC’s factory processes makes it evident that the MMC today is collaborative both internally and with its external stakeholders.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe - The First Fiction :: Defoe Robinson Crusoe Essays

Robinson Crusoe: The First Fiction Daniel Defoe is credited with writing the first long fiction novel in literary history. Drawing from established literary genres such as the guide and providence traditions and the spiritual biography, Defoe endeavored to illustrate the life of a man who "tempted Providence to his ruine (Defoe 13)" and the consequences of such actions. While stranded alone on an island the character of Robinson Crusoe seems to have a religious epiphany about the role of Providence in his life and resolves to live in accordance with God's will. However, Crusoe's internal reflections throughout his narrative and his actions do not correlate, causing the reader to question the validity of this conversion. By examining the plot and the process of psychological change Crusoe undergoes, it becomes apparent that "he experiences and accepts divine control but that control can only be realized in the free context he has himself created (359)." When push comes to shove, Crusoe reverts to human instinct and his own impulses rather than what he perceives to be the will of Providence. Crusoe uses his newfound religion only when convenient and as a means to justify his actions and an acceptable reason for everything unfortunate that happens. When he finally does leave the island and returns to society, Crusoe's faith is tested and fails miserably, with practically no mention of Providence towards the end of the story. At the beginning of the novel, Crusoe introduces himself and establishes that his narrative is a memoir of sorts, and is told while looking through more experienced, wise eyes than when he originally experienced his story. This is important to note, because his discourse is shaded with hindsight and interpreted through a mind that has come to accept Providence's hand in his life. For example, when the Turks capture Crusoe and he is enslaved, he reflects by saying, "now the Hand of Heaven had overtaken me, and I was undone without Redemption. But alas! This was but a Taste of th e Misery I was to go thro' (15)." Because Crusoe is recalling the events from memory, as well as the lack of input from any other characters, his reliability can be questioned as a narrator. An unreliable narrator is one who may be in error in his or her understanding or report of things and who thus leaves readers without the guides needed for making judgements.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Health Care

In this essay I’m going to provide a creative review of the book â€Å"Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Health Care in Urban America† and discuss the overall failure of the health care in the modern US. The shocking title of the book speaks for itself. The frank, insightful and humane nature of the book will leave nobody indifferent. The book provides an account of the unhappy destiny of the four generations of the poor and miserable Banes family living in the dirty and dangerous North Lawndale (near Chicago) neighborhoods. Every member of the Banes family experiences health problems, and the government turns out to be unable to protect its citizens from diseases and physical disability. The family is the typical example of a disadvantaged social group. They are African-American, the husband is drug-addicted, children are neglected, and all of them suffer from the so-called â€Å"inherited poverty† – the situation, when poverty is passed from generation to generation. The American government may be successful protection rich, white and young, but when the matter concerns poor and disadvantages, the government either doesn’t care, or is unable to provide quality health protection for them. What problems do the family members face? Younger children don’t get necessary immunization. Grandmother has diabetes and went through the amputation of limbs. The son is partially paralyzed after a stroke. The husband has problems with kidneys. The most striking feature is that the place, where the Banes family lives, is surrounded by the city’s best medical facilities, but they have mo access, moreover, not a single chance for access to them. The author takes the reader for a horrible trip around hospitals, primary care facilities, emergency rooms and even courtrooms, where he Banes try to improve their conditions by trials with home care. Many families in the modern urban America face the same problem as the Banes. They are quickly trapped in the vicious circle of illness and poverty. If citizens are poor, they are especially sensitive to the maladies of the century, for instance, alcohol and drugs addiction, and they don’t adhere to the basic hygienic demands. If citizens are ill, they can easily fall into poverty. It’s shocking that in the urban areas people suffer from the same health care problems as people in the third-world countries. Our government seems to be the most democratic and progressive, but while it’s unable to guarantee basic social rights of its citizens, it can’t be regarded as such. Our government should pay more attention to caring than curing. Health has systematic nature, it’s a habit, and the government should stimulate and, what is more important, allow is citizens to get into it. The author shows that many people in the nowadays America are uninsured and underinsured. It’s not the issue of the numbers of public spending. It’s the issue of attitudes. It’s the issues of loopholes in the health care. It’s the issue of the commitment to quality and equality in this sphere. The author calls for the reform of the Medicaid and Medicare. These health care programs don’t benefit medically underserved communities. Poor and disadvantaged citizens face the lack of access to medical care every day. The policymakers on the highest level don’t know much about the problems their people face in the small towns and suburbs all across the country. The governance of the hospitals is often corrupted and reluctant. It seems that racial discrimination is inexistent in America, but, in fact, medical aid is like litmus that shows all the problems that Africa-Americans and representatives of other minorities face, for example, when the matter concerns the transplantation of organs. The Banes have enough self-respect to battle for the health care, but many other families have to cope with other problems in the first place, including domestic violence, unemployment and crime. The author suggests that a health care should ensure proper and equal access to health care facilities. I know that some hospitals in other states have implemented outreach programs for the minority citizens, for instance, mobile health care centers and interactive health care education. The health care should have a human face. The author shows how treating the poor is bad and unprofitable for the health care business. White doctors can be discriminatory towards disadvantaged minority patients. If children don’t receive proper preventive care, they will be likely to fall into the vicious circle of illnesses and poor health. All these problems should be targeted – and targeted immediately on the federal, state and local levels. The book can and should be viewed as a consistent and sound argument for a health care reform in the modern America. Sources Abraham, L.K. (1994). Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Health Care in Urban America. University of Chicago Press; Re

Monday, January 6, 2020

Social Equality And Political Freedom - 1563 Words

A) It is unsurprising that social equality and political freedom are positively correlated with environmental protection and sustainability. This is observed as as environmental problems bear down disproportionately upon the poor, who do not share the same equalities and freedoms as others (Agyeman et al., p. 1). This relationship exists due to increased political power enjoyed by the wealthy and required corporate profit maximization for shareholders. Political power and voracious desire for profits is a dangerous combination. Put together, these two components form a positive feedback loop because the wealthier someone becomes, the most political power he/she gains. This relationship results in facilitated cost externalization on lower†¦show more content†¦(Agyeman et al., p. 6). This report serves as further evidence of the environmental injustices faced by minorities who do not have the power to face the corporations who own the hazardous waste facilities. It is laughabl e to think of what would occur if such a facility was proposed in Beverly Hills or Montecito because the citizens would be up in arms with many lawyers and politicians. Because predominantly ethnic and poor communities do not have such resources, they are unfairly subject to pollution which results from profit maximization. In conclusion, corporations extracting additional revenues damages the health of poor neighborhoods who do not have the capacity to resist the pollution in their homes. Of the various definitions for â€Å"sustainability† and â€Å"sustainable development† put forth by Agyeman, Bullard, and Evans, the most compelling and useful defines one sustainability as â€Å"the need to ensure a better quality of life for all, now, and into the future, in a just and equitable manner, while living within the limits of supporting ecosystems (Agyeman et al., p. 2). This definition is particularly suitable to sustainability because it captures its social justice c omponent rather than portraying it as a solely environmental issue. Another key part is the mentioning of intra-generational equity which is crucial because many people fighting for sustainability will not be able to see the fruits of their labor but must stillShow MoreRelatedFormal and Substantive Equality1185 Words   |  5 Pagesformal (or procedural) equality and substantive equality. Formal equality is known as the formal, legal equality. This is the equality that is seen as one law should be applied to all people, social and personal characteristics are no factor. Formal equality aims to distribute equality fairly and evenly, and aims to treat people the same. 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